Final year projects for engineering students | Project Ideas | Seminar Topics | Ready made pdf Report
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Showing posts with label EEC. Show all posts
Mechnical engineeering project topics patentable
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Seminar Topics Project Ideas On Computer
Science,Electronics,Electrical,Mechanical Engineering,Civil,MBA,
Medicine,Nursing,Science,Physics,Mathematics,Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation
Abstract / Engineering Project Ideas / Mechanical Engineering Project
Ideas ideas,
engineering, mechanical, latest, 70 latest mechanical
engineering projects ideas,
following are the latest mechanical engineering project topics which are patentable:
1. Fabrication of Mini Water Heater 2. Fabrication of Hot and Cold Water Dispenser 3. Fabrication of Cooling jacket for motorcycle 4. Emission tester for automobile 5. Fabrication of Mini Jet Engine 6. Fabrication of Solar Air Cooler cum Heater 7. Multi-Purpose Ground Dryer (or) Multi-Purpose Dryer and 8. Elimination of carbon particles from exhaust gas 9. Fabrication of Ground Dryer 10. drive by LPG engine 11. Fabrication of Miniature Boiler 12. Energy conservation in steam systems 13. Solar Sterling engine with parabolic collector 14. Fabrication of Solar Water Disalation (Purification) by 15. Fabrication of sterling cooler 16. Remote controlled boiler flame adjustment system 17. Fabrication of Solar Air Dryer 18. Fabrication of Cooling tower 19. Fabrication of Balloon power generator 20. Fabrication of Solar sterling engine 21. Fabrication of Bottle Cooler 22. Water cooler cum Water heater by using refrigeration 23. Fabrication of furnace using infrared Lamp 24. Electrical power generation system by using Gasifier 25. Fabrication of Mist Coolant system 26. Fabrication of Solar Water Heater by using parabolic 27. Experimental investigation Solar Pond integrated with 28. Fabrication of Activated Carbon Manufacturing Plant 29. Waste chill recovery heat exchanger 30. method 31. Automatic temperature controller with cooling system 32. Fabrication of Life time kit for an Air conditioning 33. Solar absorption air conditioner 34. Experimental investigation of an air conditioning system 35. Solar powered Electrolux refrigeration system 36. Water Cooler cum Air Conditioner 37. Fabrication of solar water Disalation by using photovoltaic 38. Fabrication of Lube oil cooler 39. Electrical Power Generation using Steam Power Plant 40. PCM storage 41. Fabrication of Solar Air Cooler 42. using parabolic method 43. Air compressor using crank and slotted link mechanism 44. Fabrication of Solar air conditioning Machine 45. Refrigeration using waste heats in car 46. Transformer heat reduction system 47. D & F of Chemical Processing Plant 48. Fabrication of Solar Air Conditioner 49. Fabrication of thermo-electric solar air conditioner 50. Fabrication of thermo-electric refrigerator 51. System 52. Room Heater 53. Fabrication of solar parabolic Water Heater 54. Fabrication of Solar Parabolic trough collector with auto 55. collector 56. Fabrication of automatic humidification system 57. Fabrication of double effecting solar cooker 58. Parabolic Trough collector cum Vapor Adsorption System 59. Electrical Power Generation using Thermal Power Plant 60. Visual landing gear arrangement with Tyre Pressure 61. Fabrication of Heat pipe 62. Fabrication of Airbag Automation 63. Three in one air conditioner 64. Fabrication of refrigeration Trainer kit 65. Low pressure solar water heater with auto tracking 66. Fabrication of Solar Fridge 67. Fabrication of Latent Heat Exchanger 68. Inflation system 69. tracking 70. Solar Water Purification by using thermal method |
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UAVs for Concerts
Development of the 2014 Formula Hybrid Race Car
Probee: Firefighter Safety System
Real-Time Reactive Jamming with Reconfigurable Antennas
Bellyband for Pregnancy Monitoring or SIDS Detection
Control system for multi-faceted visual display
Pressure and infusion feedback mechanism for continuity of volume during ophthalmic microsurgery
Implementation of an Expired Patent using Current technology
The Eye as a Sonic Cavity
Automated epileptic seizure detection and scoring of human EEG using MatLab
Tactile Amplification Glove
Variable Friction Multitouch Screen
Haptic Exoskeleton for Movement Training
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